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TikTok E-commerce Content Violation Cases and solutions

by MAOHardy 11 Jul 2024

Instructions For Use: This doc summarizes the commonviolations of content creation by creators and providescorresponding solutions.This article can help creatorsefficiently understand the platform's policies and avoid falsedemonstrations.We have divided the severity of the case andthe punishment (the larger the value, the more serious thepunishment). l hope you will read the content of the articlecarefully and strictly abide by the platform policy.


1、How to avoidmusic-related violations

When creating short videos, many creatorsfrequently encounter warnings remindingthem that TikTok Shop does not holdcopyright on the music they have selected.Creators may utilise the many copyrightmusic TikTok Shop has available. Below is ademonstration on how you can select TikTokShop-approved music to add to your videos.On your left we have prepared ademonstration on how you can select TikTokShop-approved music to add to your videos.


 2. How to avoid'Suspected Advertisement

Violation Behaviour

Once the LIVE has begun, livestreams that!do not have any binded products will beconsidered as commercial advertising.


Add at least 1 product before the LlVE startsto avoid such violations.


 3. How to dressappropriately for your LIVE


Please wear appropriate clothing whencreating your LIVE or short videos, so as toavoid violations relating to excessive bodyexposure. LIVE actions should abide byTikTok Community Guidelines, and thereshould be no sexually suggestive actions orlanguage.


4.Avoidsmoking and drinking behaviour in LIVE

The content should not contain any tobaccoimages or references, and you should notsmoke in your LIVE. You should also beconscious not to display any drinking behaviour in your LIVE.

Such scenarios are not allowed:

  1. The body is out of the camera frame butthe exhaled smoke is within the frameand captured on screen.
  2. The body is in the frame, the head issmoking outside the frame, but theaction of smoking is clearly visible withinthe frame.
  3. You can clearly see the cigarette lightingup or smoke coming from it.
  4. When your co-host exhibits smokingbehaviour.
  5. Drinking while explaining andshowcasing alcoholic products.


  1. What is "RedirectTraffic"

Violation Behaviour

When you guide or direct users to purchasegoods on external platforms outside TikTokShop (e.g. Shopee, Line) such as throughexternal links or third-party platforminformation displayed in your content(Personal Homepage, LIVE/ oral broadcast,short video).


Avoid guiding users to purchase goods onexternal platforms outside TikTok Shop.Refrain from displaying third-party platforminformation and external links in your LIVE.


5.What is "StilFrame" Content

When there is no continuous product oraudience interaction on the screen, or whenthe host does not appear on the screen, thecontent will be considered as "Still Frame"

For example:

Introducing various kinds of productsthrough displaying pictures and slides ina loop without any hosts on the screen.

When there are no hosts introducing theproducts during the livestream, or whenhosts display sleeping pictures or videosof the hosts without any interaction withtheir audience.


Refrain from sleeping during your LIVE ornot introducing the products you are selling.Also refrain from displaying slides andvideos in a loop on your LIVE.There should be a real person appearing onthe screen during the LIVE, interacting withthe audience in the room, introducingproducts and conveying positive content.

If you need to step out of the frame in themiddle of your livestream, please use the"Pause LIVE" feature. This feature may onlybe used a maximum of 3 times per livestream.

Note: The livestream will automatically endif you do not resume within 5 minutes.

6、What is"Underage Commercial Behaviour

Violation Behaviour

Having minors appear on LlVE to helpsell children's clothing

Have minors conduct livestreams or sellmerchandise.

Have a minor appear on screen withoutbeing accompanied by an adult


Minors need to be accompanied byadults when appearing in livestreams.

Using child mannequins to display and!

sell children's clothing instead of minors.

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